Expedition through the eyes of Alexei Safonov:
In the morning guys continued to work on the yellow and blue Yemelys. At midday a truck rolled up with a cistern of fuel and filled all the cars and barrels on carts. Curious locals kept arriving at the garage and taking pictures with Fords and all-terrain vehicles. The petite natives were especially interested in our chubby wheels. They stood next to them and posed for the camera one by one. And one tech enthusiast found a picture of the green Yemela taken on a nearby street from the last expedition in 2014 on his phone.
Around 5 p.m., everyone was ready to hit the road. After saying goodbye to our hostess, garage keeper, and other locals, we set course for Resolute. Not half an hour later, we had another breakdown from our start. Could not stand the frost and broke the front left spring on the red Emelya. An hour of repair and we continued our route across the thousands of lakes of Victoria Island. We drove to the seashore before dark and settled in for the night.