On February 21 the municipality of Cambridge Bay and its mayor Wayne Gregory organized a parade to celebrate the Transglobal Car Expedition coming through. The junior school kids all came out to the main street, and a procession of 10 vehicles including all the RCMP police, ambulance, and the municipal services made its noisy way through town, with the Mayor riding in the lead Yemelya out the roof! In a chilly -36C many people watched and waved from their windows!
The town parade ended at CHARS - the sleek modern Canadian High Arctic Research Station - where the management and Chief Scientist had arranged for us to make our presentation on the expedition and the science initiatives that we’re supporting. It was very impactful to us to be able to connect with CHARS - a truly world-class Arctic institute - and hear their enthusiasm and support for our initiatives and expedition.
The town parade ended at CHARS - the sleek modern Canadian High Arctic Research Station - where the management and Chief Scientist had arranged for us to make our presentation on the expedition and the science initiatives that we’re supporting. It was very impactful to us to be able to connect with CHARS - a truly world-class Arctic institute - and hear their enthusiasm and support for our initiatives and expedition.