
July 19-20, 2024

On July 19, we visited the village of Giverny, where Claude Monet lived and worked for more than 40 years. Following his death in 1926, the property remained in the hands of his heirs until 1966, when it was transferred to the state. During this time, all the original artworks were removed, and the house and garden fell into disrepair for 20 years.

In 1986, two American Monet enthusiasts visited France and requested to visit Giverny. Upon witnessing the state of the house and garden, they were appalled and generously contributed funds for its restoration. It wasn’t until 1996 that the complex was finally opened to the public. Today, Giverny ranks third in France in terms of tourist visits.

The next morning began with a tour in the center of Rouen. Firstly, we visited the famous restaurant La Couronne, which was opened in 1345! The whole city is filled with perfectly preserved architectural monuments from the 13th to the 15th centuries. A modern church now stands at the site of Joan of Arc’s execution.

Secondly, we moved to the northern point of France - Dunkerque. That was our last stop in this country. We’re ready to drive forward.
Expedition diary Stage 3