
July 5, 2024

Day 176 of the Transglobal Car Expedition started at the heart of Rome at the Italian Geographical Society with Gianluca Casagrande. They arranged a deep tour, even pulling from the archives many documents related to Polar exploration and our next destinations in Africa and Antarctica. A big thank you to him and to the Geographical Society for the wonderful tour and support. They’ve invited us to present in person on the completion of our Expedition. They also presented Expedition Leader Vasily with a leather-bound IGS journal to keep his diary in! And this was just the beginning of our day.

Our biggest event on this day in Rome was a presentation of our expedition and our science projects and partners at the Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi. We were lucky to have the presence of our PolarQuest partners Paola Catapano and Rosy Mondardini, and Marco Gambrini from both PolarQuest and Fermi. We also had talks by James Devine (CERN and our CosmicPi expert), Allessandro Coletta of our satellite image partner e-Geos, and Paolo Nespoli a famed Italian Astronaut. Tommaso Parrinello gave a very powerful analysis of the data on ice change around the world, which grounds our ice research with Christian Haas. All was overseen by Angela Bracco, president of the Fermi institute. In all it was a terrific session with so many of our science partners and we spoke of our next data collection in Africa and Antarctica also. We’re so pleased to have such terrific partners and to be assisting in any way we can.
Expedition diary Stage 3